AI in production
Innovative technologies are creating new opportunities where people and systems reach their limits. Artificial intelligence (AI) has long been the focus in this context. Ever since the AI-based application ChatGPT was released, the debate in this area has heated up again.
Addressing the lack of skilled workers with automation – when is it worthwhile and when not?
Automation can help reduce the use of unskilled workers. But does this also apply for skilled workers? Learn more about the conditions under which intelligent machines can help you to deploy skilled workers more efficiently, which functions are required in this regard, and receive some initial important tips as to whether this would be worthwhile for your company.
Automation of manual activities for increased competitiveness
Automation is an important element of quality assurance and cost optimisation and can help to make Germany competitive internationally as a production location. Find out more here about special machines and their contribution to automation.
Global supply problems burden mechanical engineering
Global supply problems are endangering the success of German machine builders. Find out here how to counter these problems and what solutions the special machinery manufacturer Geyssel has for them:
Stabilising supply chains and reducing costs while bringing back production in times of Corona
The sudden lack of masks and medical supplies at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic made Germany’s dependence on international supplies clear to everyone. People quickly demanded that important products be produced in Germany again.
Attaching drinking straws and other ecological items to packaging instead of plastic – is that possible?
The sale of plastic straws, stirrers and disposable cutlery will be banned in the EU as of July 2021. This poses considerable challenges not only for the catering but also the packaging industry.